Business Espoo at your service
- Business Espoo is producing the advisory services together with us. You can choose where you want to meet your business advisor - online or at our office in Otaniemi.
- If you are planning to start a business or become a light entrepreneur : We are happy to discuss your business idea with you. If you are already a little further and planning to apply for a start-up grant, Email your business plan to us 1-2 days before your consultation time. Even the initial plan is a good basis for discussion!
- If you already have a business in operation: Our experts will help you develop your business and help in solving challenges you may be facing. You will benefit most from the meeting if you send your company's recovery plan or other description of development needs, business plan and / or financial statements to us for review 1-2 days before the consultation period.
- If you already have a business in operation: Our experts will help you develop your business and solve challenges. You will benefit most from the meeting if you send your company's recovery plan or other description of development needs, business plan and / or financial statements to us for review 1-2 days before the consultation period.
Our staff is at your service
Executive Director, business advisor, M.Soc.Sc.
Business Advisor, MBA, Project Coordinator in "Path to entrepreneurship for immigrants" project