I already have a company

I already have a company
Business advisor at your service
Did you know we also provide services for existing companies? Our business advisor can guide you through all points of your company’s life-cycle, when you face questions concerning financing, internationalisation or a change of ownership.
Enterprise Agencies, such as EnterpriseEspoo, are often considered as business advisor centres for those who are just planning to start a business in Finland. But we are glad to serve existing companies, too.
We welcome you to book an appointment with our experts. If you wish, you can send your business plan and the most recent financial statements to our business advisor 1 to 2 days before the meeting. You can book the appointment for business development services here.
Call our advisors before applying for financing from a bank or from Finnvera. Existing companies are also free to use the services of our extensive network of experts. When your company needs new offices, call us. We may be able to help you.
We provide business advisor services in Finnish, English, Swedish, Chinese and Russian, so it is easy to turn to us even if you do not speak Finnish.
Support and events
Are you planning to hire your fist employee or feeling exhausted in the middle of running your company? Sometimes, it is simply good to talk about running a business with an outside expert. Our experienced business advisors are here to guide you and, if necessary refer you for further consultation to the appropriate support service or consultants, if the case is challenging.
You can also participate in the free Business Clinics, tailored for small and medium-sized companies. You get personal help with marketing, changes of ownership, internationalisation, commercialisation of innovations, growth, legal matters, and public procurement. We also arrange various kinds of business events with Federation of Enterprises in Espoo (Espoon Yrittäjät). Most of the events are in Finnish.