Competitive procurement

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Procurement advice

How can an SME succeed in public tenders? Where can you find ongoing public procurement? Does your company have products and services that would be suitable for public administration, but you don’t know how to become a supplier? Do you need an experienced mentor on how to sell or remain a contract supplier to municipalities, cities and agencies? Are you aware of the possibilities of bidding as a group?

The official channels for invitations to tender are:

Pentti Komssi, the Procurement Representative for Entrepreneurs, serves by telephone, e-mail and the Public Procurement business clinics in our premises in A Grid, contact information at the bottom of the page.

In counseling meetings, you get specific advice from the perspective of your company and your products / services on how you should proceed to maximize your opportunities in the public procurement maze defined by the Procurement Act. Procurement advice is also helpful when you need support with Hilma, e-bidding or small procurement systems. You can get advice e.g. what things you should consider when bidding for public procurement.

Procurement advisory services have been found to be very useful and the feedback received from entrepreneurs has been commendable, for example:

“We are doing exactly as you advised. So a big thank you for a good result will fall on you. We discussed the issue with the subscriber on site, and obtained information and insights on this issue from our partners across Europe. I’m sure we put a lot more effort into making the application than the others. Thanks to these experiences, we are even more confident that we can expand our own industry in a whole new direction. ”

Pentti Komssi

Helsinki Metropolitan Area Procurement Agent
pentti.komssi (at)

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