We are part of Business Espoo

Business Espoo
service network
We at Business Espoo work to ensure that every company that either operates or considers operating in the area knows our services and how to benefit from them. We systematically examine the changing needs of companies during different stages of their life cycle and test and produce innovative solutions to these challenges. We provide advice on starting and developing a business, finding competent workers, international recruitment, internationalisation and growth. We strengthen expertise within companies through training and help companies and investors find the right contacts. Business Espoo also offers companies and entrepreneurs numerous networking opportunities through its training and other events.
The following organisations serve entrepreneurs and companies in the Business Espoo network:
Federation of Espoo Enterprises
Helsinki Region Chamber of Commerce
Uusimaa Employment and Economic Development Office (TE Office)
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YritysEspoo experts at your service
Business advisory services for all
For starting companies
How can a business idea be transformed into a business plan? How is the company’s financing organized? Who helps with accounting, legal affairs or marketing? Which business form is the most suitable for your idea? What are the responsibilities of an entrepreneur? Starting a business requires careful preparation and it is definitely worth starting with expert guidance. YritysEspoo is a full-service start-up center, supported by a team of skilled business advisors. We provide sparring for developing a business idea and advice on choosing a company form. You should consider booking an appointment with us before applying for a start-up grant.
For entrepreneurs
Support for growth, development and crisis management. YritysEspoo serves not only those who are planning to start a company, but also everyone who is already operating a business. We spar and guide entrepreneurs forward at all stages of a company’s life cycle. We serve in Finnish, Swedish, English, Chinese and Russian, so it is also easy for foreign-speaking customers to turn to us. Are you struggling alone with things related to business? Sometimes it’s good to get in touch with an outside expert to discuss your company’s affairs. Our experienced business experts are ready to help and guide you forward.