Who are you and what do you do?

Coltrane Hassinen, Tmi Coltrane – Puhtia Markkinointiin! 20 years of experience of marketing and 10 years as entrepreneur.

I have helped hundreds of entrepreneurs get started with marketing or boost it. Entrepreneurs have felt that it is easy to work with a flexible partner, and nobody has been left without a suitable solution.

My recipe for success to an entrepreneur or someone planning to become an entrepreneur:

Marketing is not an expense but an investment that pays off. Marketing is especially important for a new company, and it is worthwhile to invest in it. There are no sales without marketing.

People buy based on a feeling and create images. Different methods of visualisation can create images of your products or services – and make them success stories.

Things that inspire me (in addition to promoting entrepreneurship):

New challenges! Marketing is my passion alongside with solving the customer’s challenges and finding the best support measures for sales, which lead to growth.

Teaching customers visualisation and doing things themselves.

Read more about Coltrane’s company Puhtia Markkinointiin and EnterpriseEspoo’s network of experts.