Martti Ilveskoski

How is your company doing at the moment? What are you working on?

The operations of my new web toy shop have now been launched: the processes have been tested and found well-functioning. It was a great moment when orders started coming in! Now I can concentrate fully on customer work and the development of visibility and marketing.

What kind of benefits or help has EnterpriseEspoo offered you?

When you run a business on your own, you sometimes feel alone, even if you had good partners. EnterpriseEspoo has offered sparring, support and encouragement for a new entrepreneur like me.

Summarise a piece of advice or insight that has been important for you – what would you like to say to a new entrepreneur?

In this world there is nothing that someone has not already done. If you need help with something, use your time looking for the help – rather than trying to solve the problem yourself with your limited knowledge. Use your own time for the things that you are best at.

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