Noora Piili

Agrotaloushallinto Oy

1. How is your company doing at the moment? What are you working on?

My company has grown every year, and the net sales have doubled each accounting period, which is a good achievement for an entrepreneur engaged in expert business! I do the bookkeeping of my clients and also offer a wide range of other expert services within financial administration. I have developed my own way of working within the demanding accounting business, and the demand for it seems to be good. At the moment, there is a great deal of demand for individual services and small accounting firms that manage the client’s financial administration as a whole, precisely and correctly, and also offer advice. We are close to the entrepreneur. The use of digital tools, combined with personal contacts with clients, has proven to be an especially good combination. My Master of Science degree in economics has given me a good basis for taking care of different areas within financial administration. The demand for profitability calculations and tax advice is also healthy – even the smallest entrepreneurs need advice in this questions. A system that is suitable for my own situation makes it possible for me to have clients in all parts of the country. I have also been lucky to find excellent partners from the accounting industry. They have been very important professionally, but also helped me get more demanding assignments.  My office is located in the Jorvas High-tech Center (JHC) in Kirkkonummi.

At present I am expanding my business – exciting times ahead!

When I established the business, my two eldest children were quite small. During my time as entrepreneur our family has grown with two more kids, now aged 7, 5 and 2 plus a baby who is only 7 weeks old.

2. What kind of benefits or help has EnterpriseEspoo offered you?

I visited EnterpriseEspoo’s office in Kirkkonummi in 2015 for counselling and received good advice for my future career as entrepreneur. I had just graduated as Master of Science (Agriculture) and planned to establish a company within financial administration. The advice helped me turn my original business concept into a well-functioning entity. My business concept has developed all the time.

3. Summarise a piece of advice or insight that has been important for you – what would you like to say to a new entrepreneur?

People talk a lot about combining business life and family life. My own experience about my journey as entrepreneur is all about this – at its best. Combining work and family is not always easy, and your spouse must be prepared to be flexible and support you, but entrepreneurship combined with family life also gives you a lot. It has been possible for me to develop my career without forgetting how important children are, and I have been able to be there for them. Entrepreneurship has made it possible for me to have both – a career and a big family. I would like to give a piece of advice to new entrepreneurs: it is worthwhile to invest in developing concepts that are clearly distinguishable and offer something new. It pays off.

I hope that my story can inspire other people who have a family and plan to start a business.

Read more about the company at


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